Ads Settings

Here are the Ads Settings configurations for BlogMoz:

  1. Enable Google AdSense: This allows you to enable Google AdSense ads to be displayed on your blog.

  2. Enable Tags Right Sidebar: This allows you to enable the display of ads in the right sidebar of your blog.

  3. Google AdSense Code: This allows you to enter your Google AdSense code to be displayed on your blog.

  4. Ad Right Sidebar Enable: This allows you to enable the display of ads in the right sidebar of your blog.

  5. Ad Right Sidebar: This allows you to enter the ad code to be displayed in the right sidebar of your blog.

  1. Show Sponsored News: This allows you to enable the display of sponsored news on your blog.

  1. Description Top Sponsored: This allows you to enter a description for the top sponsored news on your blog.

  2. Description Top Sponsored Link: This allows you to enter a link for the top sponsored news on your blog.

By configuring these settings, you can display ads and sponsored content on your blog and potentially generate revenue from them.

Last updated